Wednesday, July 31, 2013


HOLY MOLY! The last few weeks are upon us and I am feeling so pregnant at this point...

-Major waddling
-Shortness of breath
-Lots of pressure on my bladder
-Frequent urination

My belly button hasn't popped out as of this week, but for some reason my belly button has been sore as heck, especially when I touch it =/

We ordered a rocker/glider for Riley's room that we will hopefully receive in the middle of August. This weekend we will plan to put up her wall decals we ordered and some shelves on the wall as well. We aren't planning to paint her room, but I used a lot of the decorations from the baby showers to decorate it. I washed half of the clothes she received from the showers so I just need to organize that and her other presents she got. The goal this week is to also pack up our hospital bags (mine, Ryan's, and Riley's), install the car seat and stroller, and set up the pack n play (bassinet). At this point, I am starting to feel very anxious about the delivery and what is to come afterwards. I am so excited to meet her but I know how much life is going to change for me and Ryan--- in a good way of course. I guess I am more concerned about being a good mother to her.

This week's belly pic:

baby p <3

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