Thursday, July 25, 2013


6 MORE WEEKS till D-day (delivery day)!

Baby shower #2 was this past Saturday! We had a really great time and received a lot of presents for Riley! We actually ended up with FIVE bath tubs! We are going to end up keeping three though. Our baby girl will be one clean baby! =) Everything was decorated so beautifully and I really loved every detail about it. Riley's name was literally everywhere! HAHA! I will post pictures in another post and I will also upload them on my Facebook account.

My coworkers from Simi Valley threw me a little baby shower lunch (also a goodbye lunch since I am quitting that job) yesterday. The one who hosted it is so sweet; she was having difficulty conceiving as well and we shared our stories together. When I found out I got pregnant in January, her and her husband were close to getting intrauterine insemination treatment. Fortunately, the procedure worked because she is 18 weeks pregnant! I was one of the few people she told when she found out..I am so very happy for her! =)
Ryan and I did a maternity tour at Kaiser yesterday. We aren't doing any birthing classes before Riley comes, but I insisted that we at least do this tour so we would be familiarized with where we would need to go when I deliver. The labor and delivery unit is really nice; since Kaiser Panorama has a fairly new hospital building all of the rooms are private and modern. It made me really excited and anxious about Riley's delivery.
I had a doctor appointment yesterday as well, I was kind of concerned because I had noticed I wasn't feeling Riley's kicks as much the night before and the next morning. But all is well, she listened to her heartbeat and it is strong (in the 150s)! She told me that since the baby is getting bigger, there isn't a lot of room anymore so I wouldn't be able to feel her move as much, but as long as I kept feeling her everything should be good. Last night while I was in bed, Riley was moving like crazy though. My hand was on my belly and she was constantly kicking back...they were similar to wave like motions. It made me really happy, like she knew I was concerned and she was telling me "I'm okay mommy! I'm here!"  

As you can see from my belly pic below, my belly has really grown from week 33 to now! My belly button is getting smaller too! And it seems I have developed a linea negra as well (the faint dark line below my belly button!) The area around my belly button is soft and feels squishy too! LOL We are still waiting for the day when it pops out, even though I really don't want it to happen!

I should have posted this picture in the last post, but I forgot. What a difference huh?!

baby p <3

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