Wednesday, July 10, 2013


8 more weeks! I have officially entered my eighth month of pregnancy! ahh!
Our A/C is up and running now and so being in our house is much more tolerable! Thank goodness! With that, we were able to do more organizing and cleaning around the house.
I am experiencing more Braxton-Hicks contractions, especially when I am in bed and I am changing positions. They don’t hurt it just feels uncomfortable and then it makes me want to pee all the time because my uterus contracts so tightly =/ Riley’s kicks are getting stronger that I am starting to SEE my belly move! It’s so crazy to see it! In addition, she started kicking me at my ribs, which is even more uncomfortable especially when I am sitting in a chair. I really hope I make it to the end of this pregnancy, but I have this feeling that I might deliver towards the end of August. I am still praying and hoping that she will stay in there till the end!
On Friday, Ryan and I went back to the prenatal imaging place to get the 4D ultrasound done again. We went to Cici’s Café first to have breakfast in hopes that eating beforehand would make her move more (and an excuse to have my fave green tea tiramisu pancakes!) She moved a little more this time, but according to the tech she loves that same position in my belly (face against my placenta in the corner of my belly). She was able to capture better images this time around though, which I was really happy about…even getting one of Riley smiling! It was the cutest thing ever. The tech was so nice to us that she even gave us EXTRA print outs of the images =)
We have been looking at her 4D pictures since we got them and it is so amazing to us that we are able to see her face so well. We are able to make out all of her facial features and we can even tell who she might look like. The more I look at the pictures, the more I could see that Riley looks just like her daddy! My own mother even sees the resemblance between them! I love it though and I know it makes Ryan happy, but I do think she has my smile and cheeks! =P
We also had a mini maternity photo shoot at the house on Friday afternoon that my sister Sam took of us. Initially, I had wanted to hire a professional photographer to do it, but I opted to have that done with Riley instead after she was born. Besides, I think her pictures would look a lot cuter than her parents’! LOL
Our first baby shower will be on Saturday and I am so excited to see all of our family and friends come by. This shower will the one my mom is throwing us...I am also excited to open and see all of the presents Riley receives as well! =)

It was Daddy's 30th birthday yesterday! We didn't do anything spectacular...we went to church and then had breakfast. Afterwards, we just stayed at home and relaxed then did some errands at Target later on in the afternoon. When we got home, I decided to swim in our pool for about an hour. We ended the night with dinner at his parents house. Overall, a good day for the birthday boy!

Here are some pictures from this week:

At the prenatal imaging center for the 4D ultrasound..

Riley's pictures from the ultrasound

Do you see the resemblance between Riley and Ryan?! But I do see my smile! LOL

They look more alike in this picture since I was able to find a baby pic of Ryan
Some pics from our mini maternity shoot

Weekend at the lake house
32 week belly pic
baby p <3


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