Saturday, July 20, 2013



According to my pregnancy app, Riley should be the size of a pineapple and weighing about 4.9 pounds! I am starting to feel my belly getting bigger and heavier and the pregnancy waddle is ever present at this point too! LOL

It is becoming more and more difficult to find a comfortable position while I sleep, not to mention changing positions from one side to the other is hard as well! At work, my expanding belly has been surprising some people; I pass the halls at work and people are shocked about it because for one, I didn't tell every single person I was pregnant! But at this point, it is VERY obvious that yes, that is a baby bump you see! =P

Speaking of my bump, we (me and Ryan) have noticed that my belly is lopsided. Lol. The right side of my belly seems to be bigger than the left and I feel it is because Riley continues to stay comfy in her fave spot. When I get the Braxton Hicks contractions and my uterus tightens up I swear I can feel her head, butt or back when I touch the right side of my belly. I can even feel a foot or two sometimes! I still continue to see my belly move when she moves; it still amazes me!

Ever since we had our baby shower last Saturday, we have been receiving presents via the mail! It's been like Christmas every day for us when we get these packages! It's great! Baby shower #2 is later on this afternoon! We are quite excited for it that daddy Ryan and I even bought ourselves new outfits! HAHA!

I am in full nesting mode now! Riley's room is slowly getting filled with the presents we have been receiving! No decorations at this point and we have no plans to paint the room, but we did buy some decals to place on her wall. Exciting stuff!

Here is this week's belly pic:

baby p <3

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