Tuesday, July 2, 2013


9 WEEKS TO GO! We are now at single digits!

The past week has been very hard because our A/C is broken and the temperatures we have been having in the valley are less than pleasant. I am so thankful that Ryan's parents live just down the street from us and they have been letting us sleepover. Our house is unbearable at night that even doing things around the house makes us literally drip sweat. It doesn't help that I'm pregnant and having hot flashes on top of that. I have to keep in mind to stay hydrated too because dehydration can cause preterm labor!! =\

On Monday, we went to a prenatal imaging center to get a 4D ultrasound of Riley. Looks like her head is down now (normal at this point of pregnancy) and so her head is down at the right corner of my belly (sometimes I feel her head when I am lying down!) Baby P is definitely a girl according to the tech..her sex hasn't changed. That's a good thing, obviously. haha. The tech wasn't able to get very clear pics of her bc she kept hiding her face and turning away. Plus her face was up against my placenta making her face look all squishy. lol we were told that its normal though. There was one point where she briefly turned her head and we could see her face. She has the chubbiest cheeks (I think she got that from her mama) and her lips are so nice! The tech told us she looks like me... daddy got a little jealous! =P We are scheduled to go back on Friday morning so hopefully we are able to see her a lot better and she isn't so shy! Overall, it was nice seeing her yesterday...it had been awhile since the last time we did.

I spoiled myself today and decided to get my hair done. It has been years since I've been in a salon and gotten my hair cut, styled, and colored. It was time for a change and I figured why not do it now since I am starting to feel and look VERY pregnant and at times uncomfortable. Plus I wanted to look good for the remainder of my pregnancy. LOL

Here is this week's belly pic. Note my belly button..I think it is going to pop out soon. I was told it doesn't hurt and I thought I would be able to avoid it but I think one day soon I am going to wake up and I'll have an outie as a belly button! 

baby p <3

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