Thursday, May 2, 2013


The weeks are just flying by since Baby P and I passed the 20 week mark! I feel like my time to post a new blog just go by so quickly! But I will make sure to do my weekly posts, which I think is going well so far.

It is already May! That means our baby moon in Maui is fast approaching and we cannot wait to be on vacation just to relax! It will be a great week for Daddy Ryan and I before Riley comes into our lives.

She has been non stop moving and I am constantly feeling her move all of the time now! =)

After I eat something, she is just dancing in my belly and it makes me happy. Hopefully it is because she likes the food I am eating! Speaking of food, I am constantly being asked if I am craving anything and I wasn't up until about two weeks ago; I started having super serious cravings for HOT CHEETOS! ugh, it's the worse thing to eat I know, but for some reason I am just wanting it all of the time. However, I think it is starting to get to me because I started noticing that I have some serious heart burn when I eat it. LOL! I haven't told Daddy Ryan yet because I am sure he will make me stop eating it.

I made my first big pregnancy purchase the other day and I bought myself a pregnancy pillow at Babies R Us. I had a $20 gift card so I saved a little bit of money on it. It wasn't the exact one I wanted, but it does its job so far. A good thing about it too is that I can use it after Riley is born as a pillow for her and as a Boppy when I hold her to feed. Daddy Ryan will probably get some use out of it as well!

Here is a pic of the pregnancy pillow. Doesn't it look like a snake?!

Here is this week's belly pic:

I had a doctor appointment this morning. The doctor said my second trimester genetic screening is normal as is the anatomy ultrasound I had done when I was 20 weeks! Also, Riley's heartbeat is loud and strong!

The doctor gave me some bad news too which really made my day just...BAD! Turns out that I have "rapid weight gain." Apparently I have gained too much weight since we found out I was pregnant; since then I have gained 13 pounds! I thought I was on the right track, but I guess I'm not. This was something I did not expect and even though she didn't exactly say it, she obviously thinks I am FAT!
UGH! This is really frustrating. I ended up seeing a registered dietician after my appointment. We went through what I would typically eat during the day and then assessed me based on that. She told me that I am eating well, but she did suggest that I be aware of my portions and to modify some of the things I eat (i.e, switch to 1% milk instead of 2% milk). The big thing she did notice was my dinner meals. I have to admit that Ryan and I eat out a lot and that is because we rarely ever cook at home. So she suggested that I start meal prepping, cook more at home, increase my physical activity (the doctor wants me to walk after every meal!), and eating out is to be limited to 1-2 times a week. NO MORE HOT CHEETO CRAVINGS!

I have to be more conscious these days, especially with eating out. I think that is what got me. So from now on I am going to prep my meals for work, be more aware of my portions, and limit the times we eat out! I need to step it up with the physical activity too! My next appointment is in four weeks, so the dietician said I should see what the doctor says after a month of modifying my diet and activity. In addition, I think I will be taking a glucose tolerance test (to test for diabetes) at that appointment so I need to really buckle down. I hope and I pray that I don't get gestational diabetes. Thankfully my blood pressure has been good so far and I pray that it will continue to be normal during the remainder of my pregnancy because I don't want hypertension either! =(

Here's to being pregnant and healthy!

baby p

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