Wednesday, May 15, 2013

First Mother's Day & 24 WEEKS

What a relief! Riley has hit the age of viability and I am praying that she continues to stay warm and cozy in my womb until I reach term. I have hit the 6th month mark and my belly has definitely been making it's way out through my clothes (and work scrubs!). According to my pregnancy app, my uterus is the size of a soccer ball! LOL. It sure doesn't look or feel like that way to me quite yet, but I am sure as the weeks go by it will start to look like one =)

I am still struggling w sleeping on my side. I nixed my pregnancy pillow for now and went back to using our regular body pillows. I just have a hard time staying on my side throughout the night; my back is just too comfortable! I need to change my ways especially when my belly grows more. 

Daddy Ryan and I had a great time on our date day last Friday. We went to breakfast at a cafe near our house then watched a movie afterwards. The weekend was actually really nice since I had the whole weekend off. We even got to swim in our pool both Saturday and Sunday! The only downside was how unbelievably HOT it was. We later found out that our air conditioning is broken. We have been sleeping without blankets and fans directly on us. It has finally been cooling down, but hopefully we are able to get it fixed or get a new unit before the summer comes...otherwise you will find me soaking in our pool all summer long! =\

I was able to have Mother's Day off this year too! Even though Riley isn't here yet it is wonderful that my family and friends greeted me and gave me cards and flowers; it made me feel like I am already a mom! Daddy gave me a sweet card and two onesies. Although they are for our baby, he says it's also for me because Riley will be wearing them while I carry her around lol. Sweet thought babe! ;)

On Monday night, Ryan felt her kick for the FIRST time!!! It made him so happy because he has been wanting to feel her for a few weeks now. In addition, I was actually able to feel her kick too when I put my hand on my belly. It was such a memorable moment; the look on his face was priceless because I know how happy it made him feel. Our Riley is getting bigger and stronger! <3

The three of us will be attending Tito Patch and Tita Lucy's wedding this Saturday! It is going to be a busy, but fun weekend yet again!

This week's belly's definitely getting rounder:

Daddy and Mommy's date day last Friday:

Mother's Day belly pic:

Picture w Daddy after brunch plus the cards and flowers I received:

baby p

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