Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The wedding this past Saturday was great! I didn't get to enjoy the open bar they had all night, but the company of family and close friends always tops it all! Also, I love weddings so it was a really enjoyable day filled w lots of love! Congrats to my bro-in-law Patch and his new wife Lucy! =)

I looked very pregnant on that day as well..Riley was definitely showing and my mom even said I was "waddling!" LOL

Riley has been kicking and punching me a lot more lately or rather I am feeling her more and more as her Daddy says. Ryan is getting to feel her again as well when he has his hand on my belly. It makes me so happy when I feel her moving; she literally puts a smile on my face and I even laugh sometimes cause it feels like she is tickling me from inside. In the beginning of my pregnancy, a lot of people were telling me that feeling the baby move is an indescribable feeling; I say that is pretty is really something amazing and the emotion I get from it is just pure joy and love for her. Even while I type this out, Riley is in there moving around and I just love every kick/punch she is making.

Our babymoon/anniversary trip to Maui is less than a week away! We cannot wait to get will have to be one of those VERY relaxing and VERY lazy vacays. I threw away the idea of planning an itinerary (like I usually do) and decided to just wing it. It will be a first for me without a plan or schedule to go by, but I think it will put me more at ease knowing I don't have to follow a timeline for the week and I am sure I will have a more enjoyable time w it just being Ryan and I (and baby p of course).

Our three year wedding anniversary is tomorrow and since we are going to Maui next week we don't have any big plans. However, daddy said he would get me a pregnancy massage while we are there! Lucky me! 

I made a mini collage of my belly from weeks 21 to 24 and below is a picture of this week's belly. There is a definitely a difference:

Here are some pictures from the wedding:

Riley bear got more presents from Ryan's aunt and sister. Thanks Tita Gay and Jeanelle for the goodies!

baby p

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