Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Another week done and here we are again! As a NICU nurse, I am anticipating next week (week 24) as it is considered the "age of viability," meaning it is the point in which a fetus can survive outside the womb if they were born prematurely. Of course, Riley needs to stay inside my belly much, much, much longer than that. I pray every day she is safe and healthy during this pregnancy. My little bun in the oven needs to bake for MONTHS still!

This week brings on more kicking and punching! :) Daddy Ryan is yet to feel her move. She tends to move a lot during the day while he is at work, but there are days when she moves a lot more while I am in bed ready to go to sleep. 

Another symptom that has hit me in the last two weeks or so and quite honestly is something I find a real DAMPer on this experience: hot flashes! 

If you know me, I already get hot very easily so these hot flashes I get make it much worse. I get it a lot while I am working and it is bad because I will literally be sweating on my forehead, my underarms, and down my back! Not to mention, this happens while I work so I have I wait until I get home to enjoy a cold shower. So just imagine being hot and sticky for 12 hours straight. It is really uncomfortable and I only know it will get worse especially w the summer months coming and I will be in my third trimester! boo to hormones and hot flashes! 

Meals this week have been good. I have been meal prepping my lunches and snacks for work and we haven't eaten out except for when we had Subway for dinner one night. We agreed to cook more at home and so far we have been good. However, tomorrow we have a day date (it's been awhile) so that is definitely an exception! :)

Mother's Day is coming up and even though Riley isn't here yet, it's not to say that I don't already feel motherly towards her. We haven't even met, but I truly love her and I cannot wait until I hold her in my arms! Since I got pregnant, I have come to appreciate my mother and all moms even more now. 

Motherhood is truly a gift and it shouldn't be taken for granted---ever <3

Here is this week's belly pic:

Daddy bought babygirl a present the other day (so sweet). Even though I said no pink he was really excited to show this to me (too cute):

baby p <3

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