Monday, April 29, 2013


Riley has been very active this week! I have been feeling her move more and more! I feel her a lot in the afternoon (around 2-4PM) and when I am lying in bed ready to go to sleep. I have to rub my belly sometimes to tell her to go to sleep too. lol

Daddy Ryan is constantly touching my belly so he can feel her too. I wish he could but I know she's still small for him to feel her kicks and punches. But I know when she gets bigger he will be able to :)

We had the repeat ultrasound done on Friday. This time Riley was moving quite a lot! We saw her kicking her legs and opening and closing her mouth. The tech confirmed again and made sure that baby p is definitely a girl! I am also showing a lot more, I think I have come to the point of my belly popping out already. I can't suck it in anymore! hehe. Riley wants to show herself to everyone now!

It seems like everyone is pregnant! This weekend I found about two more other pregos! It makes me so happy when I find out other women are pregnant, especially ones that I know!

Here is my belly pic from this week; I got even more bold and decided to share a frontal shot of my belly!

At the ultrasound, the tech took a pic of her little foot:

We got the cutest pic of her, which is by far my favorite one of her. I love it. It is a picture of her butt and legs (if you are looking below her). SO CUTE!!!!!!! =)

Ryan's aunt and uncle got Riley goodies from their trip in Peru (she's ready for the winter, especially with those cute moccasins!) Thanks Tita Gay and Tito Tom!

baby p aka Riley

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