Thursday, April 4, 2013


Hi everyone!

Baby P is 18 weeks and 2 days today! And tomorrow is the big day when Daddy Ryan and I find out if we are having a little boy or girl! Hopefully he/she isn't shy and hides his/her goodies! lol

This week I am really starting to FEEL pregnant! I am fully coming to terms that a baby is growing inside of me and he/she has definitely been letting me know...

At the beginning of the week I started to feel right side lower back pain; I thought I was sleeping crooked at night or it was our mattress. I even had Ryan give me a massage! (another great perk!) ;) However, it turns out that I am having sacroiliac joint pain; it is caused by hormones called relaxin that relax the ligaments and muscles around my pelvis allowing it to stretch and widen in preparation for birth and my growing uterus! I tried to do some pelvic stretches the other night, but it seemed to make the pain feel worse. I feel it a lot when I change positions when I am sleeping at night and even when I stand up from sitting for a long time. It feels like sharp shooting pain and it does feel like tears and rips in that area. I am trying very hard to sleep on my side instead of my back, which I read makes the joint pain worse. It is funny because when I wasn't pregnant I couldn't sleep on my back, but only on my my side. Now that I am pregnant I am more comfortable on my back, so now I have to keep a pillow between my legs and on my back so I can stay on my side! It's been a struggle because I'll wake up in the middle of the night and I'm sleeping on my back again! My back pain is still there and I heard it only gets more painful as the baby gets bigger! FUN! =(

I also started to have some mild heartburn! AHHH! I bought Tums for relief, but I haven't taken any. I am trying not to take any meds while I am pregnant, unless I am in a lot of pain and need it. So far I have just been dealing with it.

My belly has gotten a lot bigger and I can feel that my uterus starting to rise up a little and it just might be at belly button level and it is firming up more too! I am starting to show through my scrubs! I have already received comments from my coworkers about how I am showing. I can't suck it in anymore! =P

Here is my belly pic from yesterday morning:

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day for us! Check back again soon! I'll try to write another post sometime this weekend!

baby p

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