Saturday, April 6, 2013

another waiting game..

At yesterday's most anticipated appointment we were under the impression that we would get another ultrasound to see the baby, but it didn't happen. I went in for a regular appointment where the doctor just listened to baby p's heartbeat (152 BPM) and I had blood labs drawn for second trimester screening. We were so upset and disappointed! :( I most especially was but Ryan calmed me down and assured me that I should let it go and be happy that baby p has a strong heartbeat and is continuing to grow well. See, best husband ever! :)

Thus, we are scheduled to get an ultrasound (we made sure!) this coming Friday before Daddy is off to Las Vegas for his brother's bachelor party. Baby P will be at 19 weeks and 3 days!

Daddy Ryan confessed last night during dinner and the night before our appointment that he feels Baby P is going to be a girl. He said "I tried to fight it for a long time, but I think we're having a girl" and then he said the sweetest thing after: "she's going to wrap me around her little finger" :) If Baby P is indeed a girl I say she will definitely make her daddy fall head over heels in love <3

However, I still feel like I am having a boy ;) We'll see next week if daddy or mommy is right!

baby p

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