Wednesday, July 31, 2013


HOLY MOLY! The last few weeks are upon us and I am feeling so pregnant at this point...

-Major waddling
-Shortness of breath
-Lots of pressure on my bladder
-Frequent urination

My belly button hasn't popped out as of this week, but for some reason my belly button has been sore as heck, especially when I touch it =/

We ordered a rocker/glider for Riley's room that we will hopefully receive in the middle of August. This weekend we will plan to put up her wall decals we ordered and some shelves on the wall as well. We aren't planning to paint her room, but I used a lot of the decorations from the baby showers to decorate it. I washed half of the clothes she received from the showers so I just need to organize that and her other presents she got. The goal this week is to also pack up our hospital bags (mine, Ryan's, and Riley's), install the car seat and stroller, and set up the pack n play (bassinet). At this point, I am starting to feel very anxious about the delivery and what is to come afterwards. I am so excited to meet her but I know how much life is going to change for me and Ryan--- in a good way of course. I guess I am more concerned about being a good mother to her.

This week's belly pic:

baby p <3

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Here are some pictures from the shower last Saturday. More pics on my Facebook page!

baby p <3


6 MORE WEEKS till D-day (delivery day)!

Baby shower #2 was this past Saturday! We had a really great time and received a lot of presents for Riley! We actually ended up with FIVE bath tubs! We are going to end up keeping three though. Our baby girl will be one clean baby! =) Everything was decorated so beautifully and I really loved every detail about it. Riley's name was literally everywhere! HAHA! I will post pictures in another post and I will also upload them on my Facebook account.

My coworkers from Simi Valley threw me a little baby shower lunch (also a goodbye lunch since I am quitting that job) yesterday. The one who hosted it is so sweet; she was having difficulty conceiving as well and we shared our stories together. When I found out I got pregnant in January, her and her husband were close to getting intrauterine insemination treatment. Fortunately, the procedure worked because she is 18 weeks pregnant! I was one of the few people she told when she found out..I am so very happy for her! =)
Ryan and I did a maternity tour at Kaiser yesterday. We aren't doing any birthing classes before Riley comes, but I insisted that we at least do this tour so we would be familiarized with where we would need to go when I deliver. The labor and delivery unit is really nice; since Kaiser Panorama has a fairly new hospital building all of the rooms are private and modern. It made me really excited and anxious about Riley's delivery.
I had a doctor appointment yesterday as well, I was kind of concerned because I had noticed I wasn't feeling Riley's kicks as much the night before and the next morning. But all is well, she listened to her heartbeat and it is strong (in the 150s)! She told me that since the baby is getting bigger, there isn't a lot of room anymore so I wouldn't be able to feel her move as much, but as long as I kept feeling her everything should be good. Last night while I was in bed, Riley was moving like crazy though. My hand was on my belly and she was constantly kicking back...they were similar to wave like motions. It made me really happy, like she knew I was concerned and she was telling me "I'm okay mommy! I'm here!"  

As you can see from my belly pic below, my belly has really grown from week 33 to now! My belly button is getting smaller too! And it seems I have developed a linea negra as well (the faint dark line below my belly button!) The area around my belly button is soft and feels squishy too! LOL We are still waiting for the day when it pops out, even though I really don't want it to happen!

I should have posted this picture in the last post, but I forgot. What a difference huh?!

baby p <3

Saturday, July 20, 2013



According to my pregnancy app, Riley should be the size of a pineapple and weighing about 4.9 pounds! I am starting to feel my belly getting bigger and heavier and the pregnancy waddle is ever present at this point too! LOL

It is becoming more and more difficult to find a comfortable position while I sleep, not to mention changing positions from one side to the other is hard as well! At work, my expanding belly has been surprising some people; I pass the halls at work and people are shocked about it because for one, I didn't tell every single person I was pregnant! But at this point, it is VERY obvious that yes, that is a baby bump you see! =P

Speaking of my bump, we (me and Ryan) have noticed that my belly is lopsided. Lol. The right side of my belly seems to be bigger than the left and I feel it is because Riley continues to stay comfy in her fave spot. When I get the Braxton Hicks contractions and my uterus tightens up I swear I can feel her head, butt or back when I touch the right side of my belly. I can even feel a foot or two sometimes! I still continue to see my belly move when she moves; it still amazes me!

Ever since we had our baby shower last Saturday, we have been receiving presents via the mail! It's been like Christmas every day for us when we get these packages! It's great! Baby shower #2 is later on this afternoon! We are quite excited for it that daddy Ryan and I even bought ourselves new outfits! HAHA!

I am in full nesting mode now! Riley's room is slowly getting filled with the presents we have been receiving! No decorations at this point and we have no plans to paint the room, but we did buy some decals to place on her wall. Exciting stuff!

Here is this week's belly pic:

baby p <3

Monday, July 15, 2013


We had our first baby shower this past Saturday at my mom's place. Despite the heat (damn hot flashes), it was really fun! My sisters did a great job with all of the games and decorating everything. And of course, the food was delish as always since my mom cooked most of it.

Here are some pictures from the shower:


There are more pictures on my Facebook, so check it out if you can! =)
baby p <3

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


8 more weeks! I have officially entered my eighth month of pregnancy! ahh!
Our A/C is up and running now and so being in our house is much more tolerable! Thank goodness! With that, we were able to do more organizing and cleaning around the house.
I am experiencing more Braxton-Hicks contractions, especially when I am in bed and I am changing positions. They don’t hurt it just feels uncomfortable and then it makes me want to pee all the time because my uterus contracts so tightly =/ Riley’s kicks are getting stronger that I am starting to SEE my belly move! It’s so crazy to see it! In addition, she started kicking me at my ribs, which is even more uncomfortable especially when I am sitting in a chair. I really hope I make it to the end of this pregnancy, but I have this feeling that I might deliver towards the end of August. I am still praying and hoping that she will stay in there till the end!
On Friday, Ryan and I went back to the prenatal imaging place to get the 4D ultrasound done again. We went to Cici’s CafĂ© first to have breakfast in hopes that eating beforehand would make her move more (and an excuse to have my fave green tea tiramisu pancakes!) She moved a little more this time, but according to the tech she loves that same position in my belly (face against my placenta in the corner of my belly). She was able to capture better images this time around though, which I was really happy about…even getting one of Riley smiling! It was the cutest thing ever. The tech was so nice to us that she even gave us EXTRA print outs of the images =)
We have been looking at her 4D pictures since we got them and it is so amazing to us that we are able to see her face so well. We are able to make out all of her facial features and we can even tell who she might look like. The more I look at the pictures, the more I could see that Riley looks just like her daddy! My own mother even sees the resemblance between them! I love it though and I know it makes Ryan happy, but I do think she has my smile and cheeks! =P
We also had a mini maternity photo shoot at the house on Friday afternoon that my sister Sam took of us. Initially, I had wanted to hire a professional photographer to do it, but I opted to have that done with Riley instead after she was born. Besides, I think her pictures would look a lot cuter than her parents’! LOL
Our first baby shower will be on Saturday and I am so excited to see all of our family and friends come by. This shower will the one my mom is throwing us...I am also excited to open and see all of the presents Riley receives as well! =)

It was Daddy's 30th birthday yesterday! We didn't do anything spectacular...we went to church and then had breakfast. Afterwards, we just stayed at home and relaxed then did some errands at Target later on in the afternoon. When we got home, I decided to swim in our pool for about an hour. We ended the night with dinner at his parents house. Overall, a good day for the birthday boy!

Here are some pictures from this week:

At the prenatal imaging center for the 4D ultrasound..

Riley's pictures from the ultrasound

Do you see the resemblance between Riley and Ryan?! But I do see my smile! LOL

They look more alike in this picture since I was able to find a baby pic of Ryan
Some pics from our mini maternity shoot

Weekend at the lake house
32 week belly pic
baby p <3


Tuesday, July 2, 2013


9 WEEKS TO GO! We are now at single digits!

The past week has been very hard because our A/C is broken and the temperatures we have been having in the valley are less than pleasant. I am so thankful that Ryan's parents live just down the street from us and they have been letting us sleepover. Our house is unbearable at night that even doing things around the house makes us literally drip sweat. It doesn't help that I'm pregnant and having hot flashes on top of that. I have to keep in mind to stay hydrated too because dehydration can cause preterm labor!! =\

On Monday, we went to a prenatal imaging center to get a 4D ultrasound of Riley. Looks like her head is down now (normal at this point of pregnancy) and so her head is down at the right corner of my belly (sometimes I feel her head when I am lying down!) Baby P is definitely a girl according to the tech..her sex hasn't changed. That's a good thing, obviously. haha. The tech wasn't able to get very clear pics of her bc she kept hiding her face and turning away. Plus her face was up against my placenta making her face look all squishy. lol we were told that its normal though. There was one point where she briefly turned her head and we could see her face. She has the chubbiest cheeks (I think she got that from her mama) and her lips are so nice! The tech told us she looks like me... daddy got a little jealous! =P We are scheduled to go back on Friday morning so hopefully we are able to see her a lot better and she isn't so shy! Overall, it was nice seeing her had been awhile since the last time we did.

I spoiled myself today and decided to get my hair done. It has been years since I've been in a salon and gotten my hair cut, styled, and colored. It was time for a change and I figured why not do it now since I am starting to feel and look VERY pregnant and at times uncomfortable. Plus I wanted to look good for the remainder of my pregnancy. LOL

Here is this week's belly pic. Note my belly button..I think it is going to pop out soon. I was told it doesn't hurt and I thought I would be able to avoid it but I think one day soon I am going to wake up and I'll have an outie as a belly button! 

baby p <3