Wednesday, June 12, 2013

28 WEEKS...hello third trimester!

It is hard to belive that I am already at my third and FINAL third trimester. As of yesterday, Riley is at 28 weeks and there is LESS than 12 weeks left until she arrives! This pregnancy has been going by so quickly that I am starting to think that once she is out I am actually going to miss my prego belly! LOL

Daddy Ryan and I registered for Riley this past weekend at Babies R Us and Target. I was not expecting to be so tired and exhausted after that experience! There is so many brands and items for a baby and when you see one thing you like, you see something else that might be better! I enjoyed it at the beginning and then afterwards I was getting really anxious about being done already. lol. However, we have been updating online as well, which is obviously much more convenient and at least I could be sitting or lying down while I do it! ;)

My mom is in the process of planning a baby shower for us; we decided to do separate baby showers (my side versus Ryan's side) as both of our families are HUGE and getting each side together would probably require a hall or something. So my mom is throwing us a shower next month, while Ryan's mom will throw us one in August! Now THAT is definitely something to look forward to!

I am still experiencing hot flashes...ALL THE TIME! lol and my only cravings still and so far are hot cheetos. I can't shake it off, I just love them! I think after the baby is born, I will probably hate them. haha! The lower back pain I felt before we left for Maui is gone and I sometimes have trouble sleeping at night. In addition, I started having Braxton Hicks contractions, which is when the uterus contracts and tightens is my uterus "practicing" for the delivery according to my book. It feels weird sometimes because my belly gets really firm and rigid and I feel like the only way to make it go away is to pee; needless to say, I go to the bathroom every 30 minutes it seems because of all of the pressure from my uterus. It is especially annoying when I have to get up at the middle of the night to do it too. =/

Riley's kicks have been a lot more frequent and stronger this past week; I notice she kicks me a lot on my left lower belly and near my belly button. I just love when she is kicking me! Ryan talks to my belly a lot, which is so sweet and she responds with the kicking and punching as well. Too cute.

We finally started moving and organzing things in preparation for Riley's room; it is a slow process, but I am happy to report that things are getting done!

Riley is receiving more and more presents! Ryan's aunt (Tita Gay) gave her THREE carseat covers! She is too cute and I can already seeing her getting spoiled by her, especially with the fact that she has only two boys of her own. Thanks again Tita Gay! She also got a present from the newlyweds..Ryan's bro Patrick and new sis in law Lucy got her such a cute onesie. We are gonna have her wear it during shark week! LOL Thanks again Tito Patch and Tita Lucy!

Here is this week's belly pic:

And here is a collage from weeks 25 till now:

baby p <3

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