Thursday, June 6, 2013


One week away from starting the third trimester! So crazy!

My doctor appointment yesterday went well. I think I found an OB I like but turns out she is pregnant too and she is going on maternity leave just before I deliver! BOO! Hopefully by the time I give birth I will have a good doctor to take care of me.

I had to do the glucose tolerance test yesterday, which tests if I have gestational diabetes or not. I had to drink this orange soda flavored beverage within five minutes and then my blood was drawn an hour afterwards. My levels came back normal meaning I DON'T have gestational diabetes! I have been praying that I didn't develop it during the pregnancy and it gives me such relief knowing that I don't have it. I also heard Riley's heart beat; it is loud and strong and the doctor says everything looks good. The issue of my weight didn't come up, which I took as a sign that I may be on the right track. Since my last appointment I have gained four pounds, but isn't that what is expected when a woman is pregnant?! My eating habits have greatly improved as I mentioned before and since my belly is getting bigger I get full a lot faster so I have become more conscious of that since I hate that too full feeling. I do have cheat days and it is nice to know that I can enjoy a sweet treat though since my blood sugar levels are normal! ;)

Next week I have to start kick counts per doctor's orders, which requires me to write down how many times she kicks me in an hour every night. Riley and I will have play dates after dinner! =]

Since we are just about 12 weeks away from her arrival, Ryan and I have to start organizing and cleaning the house! I started my part since coming back from Maui...but that Daddy of hers! =P

Here is this week's belly picture:

We bought this for Riley while in Maui. I can't wait till she wears it! =)

baby p <3

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