Monday, February 11, 2013

pregnancy far!

Today marks 9 weeks and one day for Baby P! I forgot to take a belly picture so hopefully I remember to do it tomorrow morning before I head to work. I am starting to have "pregnant brain" so I am constantly having to write myself reminders and set alarms (even more than usual) so I don't forget things.

I have been asked if I am having any morning sickness or any food cravings. Luckily, I have not experienced any vomiting or have "weird" cravings.  What I have been experiencing though include: (MORE) breast tenderness, especially in the morning! I have to wear a sports bra all the time, even when I sleep! Some smells get to me, especially the air freshener in our home. I know it's weird, but when I smell it I literally get grossed out and even get to a point of dry heaving. The thought and smell, even the mention of the word "salmon" gets to me too. It's really amusing because I like salmon, but these days it grosses me out. I'm hungry all the time, so I have to eat every couple hours or so. Ryan is already telling me that I am gonna make him fat because of my constant hunger. Funny, I thought I was the pregnant one here!? 

While I feel kind of out of place for not experiencing the typical morning sickness a pregnant woman goes through, it made me feel like I wasn't "normal." I ended up googling all of this and I found that 75% of women experience morning sickness, the remaining percentage experience hyperemesis and/or no morning sickness. I should consider myself lucky at this point. 

However, I also asked my mom about her pregnancy experience and she said she had no morning sickness with my brother and I. Her only complaint during pregnancy was that she did not like certain smells, especially in the kitchen. We are similar in that sense, so that brought some ease to my mind. I'm knocking on wood that this experience will be this easy during the entire pregnancy. 

baby p

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