Thursday, February 21, 2013

first trimester screening

Today baby p is at 10 weeks and 4 days..currently the size of a lime (about 2 inches long)!

I will be going to the doctor's office today to start first trimester screening for our little peanut. First trimester screening involves blood tests and a special ultrasound to find out if there are any risks for specific chromosomal abnormalities. This morning I will be going in for the blood test and then my next appointment on March 6th I will be doing the ultrasound and the doctor will let me know about the results of the blood test. By then I will be at 12 weeks; Ryan and I should be able to hear the heartbeat at that time, but no sex yet!

This week I have been extra tired and maybe a tad bit more nauseous; I am being more conscious of eating frequently, especially snacking. It helps if my stomach isn't empty so I don't get that nauseating feeling, but for some reason I feel like I am just constantly hungry and my snacks aren't enough. I have a parasite in my tummy! lol

Here is my belly pic at 10 weeks:

Ugh. My belly is definitely growing, I feel like I am at a very awkward stage because I just have this gut. It probably looks the same from weeks 8 and 9, but it definitely feels different to me. In one of my pregnancy apps, it read that this week I should be noticing more low abdominal roundness. Yes, that is true. A frontal shot will show you more of what I am talking about, but let's just stick to the side shots for now ;)

I have been praying everyday for safety and health for baby p and I ask that you please do the same for him/her. Thank you!

baby p

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