Wednesday, February 27, 2013

the most beautiful sound

I just heard baby p's heartbeat for the very first time. WOW.

Ryan wasn't there to hear it because I asked a nurse at work to do a Doppler reading on me because like I mentioned in the previous post, I have nurse brain and I've become just tad bit anxious since my last ultrasound =/

She found our little baby at the lower left side of my tummy. The heart rate is at 164 beats per minute..loud and strong! In just one more week Daddy Ryan and I will hear AND see our baby p together. yay!

It was so amazing to hear that heartbeat, to hear OUR baby's heart. It literally put me at ease and gave me calmness that I have not felt in a while. I couldn't stop smiling after that. Baby P is making me so happy and he/she doesn't even know it yet <3

Mommy loves you!

baby p

Monday, February 25, 2013


Today marks 11 weeks and 1 day for baby p! According to my pregnancy app on my phone, baby p is as big as a large plum!

Here is my belly pic from this morning:

This week I have been feeling really fat and bloated. I have been taking 20-30 min walks every other day as it is really the only physical activity I am letting myself do right now. Reading all of this pregnancy information has my mind going a hundred miles an hour; being a nurse doesn't help it either because I tend to over think things and become paranoid =/

Surprisingly, my weight hasn't changed----yet. I gave up fast food for Lent. I am more conscious of my eating habits and I try not to indulge my sweet tooth everyday because my nurse brain is paranoid about developing gestational diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure). I am going to start incorporating light weights, push ups, and lower body exercises this week because since I stopped working out at my Crossfit box, I am starting to see and feel the difference. Boo. Daddy Ryan said not more than 2 pounds on the weights though! LOL

I am feeling super tired this week. No morning sickness still! (knock on wood) Smells are still getting to me and I still don't like fish! Still have sore breasts and no particular cravings at this time. Also, I started noticing that while I eat food I start getting this nauseous I almost lose my appetite. It's funny because I am so hungry when I start eating, but in the middle of my meal I start getting turned off by the food. Weird. Also, I had the worse mood swings last Thursday. My sisters had to endure those though. lol. I can laugh about it now, but I was not joking around last week. One minute I am crying over a YouTube video of Jerry Buss' tribute by the Lakers that my cousin Angelo posted on his blog. Then I am screaming to my sister Sam about how I can't burn a DVD of pictures off our Mac computer. The icing though is later that night I go off on my sisters about not going out to dinner at a decent time (silly i know) and then I find myself crying after I angrily hang up on Sam. hahaha! What I am starting to learn is that hormones make you crazy and you cannot mess with a hormonal AND hungry pregnant woman! ;)

Ryan surprised me the other night with the book I have been wanting since we found out about our pregnancy! He has been so much more attentive the past month and I love it! He is always making sure I have two blankets on me when we go to sleep, that I am taking my vitamins every day, and that I have enough snacks for my days at work. He is such a sweet husband and I know he is going to be the best daddy! :)

The next morning after he gave me the book I found the book he bought for himself. Hilarious, but so cute:

Our 12 week ultrasound is in 9 days! I can't wait until we see our baby p again and hopefully hear his/her heart beat! <3

baby p

Thursday, February 21, 2013

first trimester screening

Today baby p is at 10 weeks and 4 days..currently the size of a lime (about 2 inches long)!

I will be going to the doctor's office today to start first trimester screening for our little peanut. First trimester screening involves blood tests and a special ultrasound to find out if there are any risks for specific chromosomal abnormalities. This morning I will be going in for the blood test and then my next appointment on March 6th I will be doing the ultrasound and the doctor will let me know about the results of the blood test. By then I will be at 12 weeks; Ryan and I should be able to hear the heartbeat at that time, but no sex yet!

This week I have been extra tired and maybe a tad bit more nauseous; I am being more conscious of eating frequently, especially snacking. It helps if my stomach isn't empty so I don't get that nauseating feeling, but for some reason I feel like I am just constantly hungry and my snacks aren't enough. I have a parasite in my tummy! lol

Here is my belly pic at 10 weeks:

Ugh. My belly is definitely growing, I feel like I am at a very awkward stage because I just have this gut. It probably looks the same from weeks 8 and 9, but it definitely feels different to me. In one of my pregnancy apps, it read that this week I should be noticing more low abdominal roundness. Yes, that is true. A frontal shot will show you more of what I am talking about, but let's just stick to the side shots for now ;)

I have been praying everyday for safety and health for baby p and I ask that you please do the same for him/her. Thank you!

baby p

Friday, February 15, 2013

9 weeks & 2 days along..

Here is a belly pic at 9 weeks (plus 2 days) that was taken this past Tuesday (2/12/13); in comparison to my 8 week belly pic..not much difference. However, since this is my first pregnancy my belly won't pop out probably until I am at five or even six months along! WOW. I feel like I am in an awkward stage. I feel big and I can feel the changes in my p is just being shy right now! lol.

Lately, I've been having dreams about the baby. Last week, I dreamt of a baby boy. Ryan gave the baby a bath and he had lots of hair and was the cutest thing ever. He had nothing but a diaper on. Last night, I dreamt that one of the doctor's I work with actually delivered my baby!

Obviously, baby p has been on my mind. Not a day goes by where I don't think about the day when Ryan and I meet our little blessing. The baby isn't even here yet and he/she is already taking over our lives <3

baby p

Monday, February 11, 2013

pregnancy far!

Today marks 9 weeks and one day for Baby P! I forgot to take a belly picture so hopefully I remember to do it tomorrow morning before I head to work. I am starting to have "pregnant brain" so I am constantly having to write myself reminders and set alarms (even more than usual) so I don't forget things.

I have been asked if I am having any morning sickness or any food cravings. Luckily, I have not experienced any vomiting or have "weird" cravings.  What I have been experiencing though include: (MORE) breast tenderness, especially in the morning! I have to wear a sports bra all the time, even when I sleep! Some smells get to me, especially the air freshener in our home. I know it's weird, but when I smell it I literally get grossed out and even get to a point of dry heaving. The thought and smell, even the mention of the word "salmon" gets to me too. It's really amusing because I like salmon, but these days it grosses me out. I'm hungry all the time, so I have to eat every couple hours or so. Ryan is already telling me that I am gonna make him fat because of my constant hunger. Funny, I thought I was the pregnant one here!? 

While I feel kind of out of place for not experiencing the typical morning sickness a pregnant woman goes through, it made me feel like I wasn't "normal." I ended up googling all of this and I found that 75% of women experience morning sickness, the remaining percentage experience hyperemesis and/or no morning sickness. I should consider myself lucky at this point. 

However, I also asked my mom about her pregnancy experience and she said she had no morning sickness with my brother and I. Her only complaint during pregnancy was that she did not like certain smells, especially in the kitchen. We are similar in that sense, so that brought some ease to my mind. I'm knocking on wood that this experience will be this easy during the entire pregnancy. 

baby p

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

look ma! pictures!

Here is the second pregnancy test I did at work:

We had our first ultrasound done last Tuesday, Jan 29th. The doctor confirmed though that the baby is actually 7 weeks and 2 days old here:

I took this first belly picture yesterday morning before I went to work (February 5th). I am exactly 8 weeks and 2 days here: (LOL, the belly was already big to begin with...just more emphasized now!) 

More pictures to come of course!

baby p

we're pregnant!

Ryan and I found out we were pregnant on Friday, January 25, 2013!

This news came to a surprise for us actually because we have been trying to conceive for quite some time now, even seeking infertility treatment last year from April to September as I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in which I was showing signs of irregular periods and weight gain that I struggled immensely to lose. When I was referred by my OB/GYN to an infertility doctor, I was shocked. I was only 27 years old. It didn't make it any less stressful for me as well to be told that us conceiving would be a lot more difficult than the "average" couple.

The infertility doctor put me back on birth control pills to regulate my periods; it helped a lot because I was back on track with my periods and I was able to lose 10-15 pounds. I was on the Pill for about 5 months and then I started the actual infertility treatment in September; it consisted of daily pills and shots, daily trips to the doctor's office for blood tests and ultrasounds. The last treatment I received was intrauterine insemination (NOT the same as in vitro fertilization). The treatment I received had a 90% chance of working; it seemed pretty high to us and our doctor seemed optimistic about the pills and shots I received (which were of the highest dose I was allowed). Odds seemed good.

I got a pregnancy blood test done 12 days later to determine if the treatment had worked. It didn't. I was called at work a few hours later from someone at the hospital to let me know. I was devastated. I held my tears until I walked into the restroom stall and balled my eyes out. I was heartbroken in that moment. The past two weeks left me physically, mentally, and now emotionally drained. I told Ryan an hour later about it, but kept it to myself after that. Talking about it made me sad and only less than a handful knew what Ryan and I were going through.

I was supposed to see the doctor a week later to discuss treatment again; I was almost at the hospital and stopped at the side of the street to cancel it. I couldn't go through it again because it hurt too much. I told Ryan I wanted to wait until after the holidays to try again. Thankfully, he understood and so we went about with our daily lives and put our minds into buying our first home.

We opened Escrow on November 12, 2012 and closed on December 26th , 2012. During this time, I ended up missing my period in December, I didn't think much of it and just thought it was late. January came and I began having breast tenderness; I thought for sure I was gonna get my period soon. A week later I still didn't get it, but still thought my period was late. I went to Hawaii with my family for a week (Jan 12-19), still no period but I was still experiencing a lot of breast tenderness, especially in the morning. I was continuing to think that my period was taking a long time to come! I came back from Hawaii and that week I was experiencing a lot of nausea, light headedness, dizziness, and fatigue. I bought two pregnancy tests on Thursday night (Jan 24th) at the Dollar Tree store (LOL, I'm cheap I know, but pregnancy tests are expensive!) and told myself that if the test was negative it was time to see my infertility doctor because I was starting to have irregular periods again. Subconsciously, I think I was trying to avoid her and Ryan was already asking me when we would start treatment again. I didn't even tell him that I had missed my period for the last two months!

When I woke up for work the next day, I took a pregnancy test. To my surprise, it read positive! I had to keep referring to the box. I didn't want to seem too happy about it because I wasn't ready for another let down. Ryan was still home and I told him about it, he too had the same reaction. We were nervous, but also kept in mind not to be too excited. I told him I would take another test at work. About three hours later, I took another test and it was positive again! This time, I started really freaking out and getting nervous. I asked if I could leave work early to go to Kaiser. Ryan left work early too and met up with me at the hospital.

I was called in right away and I was required to give urine for another pregnancy test. While she was waiting for the results (the longest three minutes of my life), she took my vital signs and my blood pressure. I was so nervous ( I was even sweating!) that my blood pressure was so high! The nurse asked me why I was so nervous, so I went on to tell her about my infertility issues and how we have been trying to have a baby. She told me I shouldn't be nervous because according to the last time I had my period (which was November 10, 2012) I was 11 weeks pregnant! I called Ryan in and had the nurse tell him the news; his first response "wow, that's a long time!" LOL

After the hospital, we went to his parents house and my mom's house to tell them the news. We called our close friends and family. The weekend consisted of us telling the people we love the most about our wonderful surprise!

I cannot begin to describe how happy and blessed I feel about all of this. God was truly waiting for the perfect time to bless us with a baby and to tell us! There is not a day that goes by that I thank God for all that has happened to Ryan and I the last few months. Life changed for us the day we found out and I cannot wait to go on this journey with him!

baby p