Wednesday, March 20, 2013



Baby P is at 16 weeks (4 months!) and one day today and measuring the size of a turnip (about 5 inches long!). Since unknowingly entering my second trimester (we gained the two weeks from the doctor at the last ultrasound), I am feeling the many benefits of being having MORE ENERGY! Today I cleaned and organized our kitchen, washed dishes, and finished up laundry. I haven't been taking any naps either and I am feeling a lot more energized than before =] It is great because I am able to do a lot more things around the house without having to feel so sluggish all of the time. YAY!

Daddy Ryan and I had our housewarming party this past Saturday! It turned out to be a great party! And many of our guests had a lot of fun compliments of the Irish bombs provided by Ryan's family! Baby P and I stuck to water all night ;) We received lots of presents for the house and a couple little gifts for Baby P (a lion bath mitt and a cute duck rattle from our friends, Kory and Allen). Thank you to all of our friends and family for coming to our party! It was great seeing you all and we are very blessed to have such amazing people in our (and Baby P's) lives!

I am reading and hearing that starting at 16 weeks I can start feeling the baby! First time moms usually feel the baby at about 18 weeks though, but I am sure it depends on every woman. I read that it feels like butterflies in your tummy,  gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping in your belly! As of yet, I haven't felt Baby P move--- but I can't wait until I do!

Our next ultrasound is in about two weeks! WOW! This ultrasound is coming faster than the second one; I swear it felt like months waiting for that last appointment! We will hopefully be finding out the sex of our baby then as well!

Here is my belly pic from this morning. My cousin Angelo made a comment when I saw him on Saturday about how bold I am being for showing skin in my pics! LOL. What can I say?! I am pregnant and proud! =]

baby p

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