Thursday, March 28, 2013


Ever since I found out I was more further along in my pregnancy than we thought, the weeks are just going by so fast now! I have been told that when baby p gets to 20 weeks (half way point!) the weeks will go by even faster!

This week has been pretty good for baby p and I! Second trimester has been good to me so far!

I am divulging in my baby book even more this week and doing non stop searches online about anything pregnancy related! I am slowly starting to realize that Daddy Ryan and I need to start prepping the baby room! I think I will be more in planning mode once we know the sex of baby p! we even have themes in mind depending on whether or not we have a boy or a girl! And yes, there is a name picked out for baby p already! :)

We finally picked a destination for our babymoon! Flights and accomodations have been booked..MAUI here we come! Ryan and I were initially planning to do Spain this year (long before baby p came into our lives) because we both wanted to go back to Europe, plus I was ready for non stop sangria and paella! LOL But with our little blessing now in tow, we had to decide on a different place. First off, we didn't want to travel overseas for God willing something might happen to me or baby while we were away--in a different country no less! And secondly, we wanted something more relaxing and stress free. Maui seemed like a great place to relax, eat, and enjoy each other's company before baby p came into our lives. This might even be our last vacation for awhile too! We leave at the end of May and not only will we be baby mooning but we will also be celebrating our three year wedding anniversary! baby p is excited! ;)

here are pics from this week:

I took this picture on Tuesday, at exactly 17 weeks. I swear my belly looks so much bigger in this picture than I thought. I don't know if it is the angle of the picture or my dress. or maybe it IS my belly. lol

my belly pic I took this morning (at 17 weeks and two days):

till next week! will it be a boy or a girl?

baby p

Thursday, March 21, 2013

what love sounds like...

I was able to hear baby p's heartbeat again! It is the perks of working along side labor and delivery nurses at my job: I can get an ultrasound or a Doppler reading anytime :)

It is still the most precious sound to me right now and every time I hear his/her heart beating I am genuinely happy.

I love you baby p!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013



Baby P is at 16 weeks (4 months!) and one day today and measuring the size of a turnip (about 5 inches long!). Since unknowingly entering my second trimester (we gained the two weeks from the doctor at the last ultrasound), I am feeling the many benefits of being having MORE ENERGY! Today I cleaned and organized our kitchen, washed dishes, and finished up laundry. I haven't been taking any naps either and I am feeling a lot more energized than before =] It is great because I am able to do a lot more things around the house without having to feel so sluggish all of the time. YAY!

Daddy Ryan and I had our housewarming party this past Saturday! It turned out to be a great party! And many of our guests had a lot of fun compliments of the Irish bombs provided by Ryan's family! Baby P and I stuck to water all night ;) We received lots of presents for the house and a couple little gifts for Baby P (a lion bath mitt and a cute duck rattle from our friends, Kory and Allen). Thank you to all of our friends and family for coming to our party! It was great seeing you all and we are very blessed to have such amazing people in our (and Baby P's) lives!

I am reading and hearing that starting at 16 weeks I can start feeling the baby! First time moms usually feel the baby at about 18 weeks though, but I am sure it depends on every woman. I read that it feels like butterflies in your tummy,  gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping in your belly! As of yet, I haven't felt Baby P move--- but I can't wait until I do!

Our next ultrasound is in about two weeks! WOW! This ultrasound is coming faster than the second one; I swear it felt like months waiting for that last appointment! We will hopefully be finding out the sex of our baby then as well!

Here is my belly pic from this morning. My cousin Angelo made a comment when I saw him on Saturday about how bold I am being for showing skin in my pics! LOL. What can I say?! I am pregnant and proud! =]

baby p

Friday, March 15, 2013


I am definitely starting to feel and see a difference in the belly region this week! Baby P is starting to show and the lower abdominal area of my belly is starting to feel firm to touch (that's my uterus AND baby p rising up!)

Here is this week's belly pic, the arrow is pointing to where the firmness is:

People have started to notice that I am showing too, but I still can't help but feel like it is my fat belly. Or I guess both. LOL. I may have to to retire my jeans for now as well; I bought a Belly Band at Target which I haven't tried yet, but I heard it works well so we'll see if it does! =]

I don't have the nausea as much as before and my appetite has been better controlled as well. Mood swings are a little out of control sometimes though. My energy level has improved a lot; I do get tired, but not as much as before so I am able to do more things. I have been told the second trimester is the best one!

We are getting closer (three weeks) to finding out what the sex of the baby is. We have gotten a mix of predictions from family and friends. A lot of people think we are having a boy, while some are thinking and even wanting us to have a girl! All that matters to Ryan and I is that our baby is healthy. I will say that if we do have a girl, my poor baby will be crying to me all the time because of how strict Daddy is! For those who know how Ryan is, you know what I am talking about! ;) sorry hubs, but it's true!

My good friend visited me last week and she gave Baby P his/her first present (so cute), thanks Dori!

Till next week!

baby p

Thursday, March 7, 2013

WEEK 14?!?

Hi everyone! Daddy Ryan and I had our second ultrasound for Baby P yesterday; we had the special ultrasound done that I talked about in the First Trimester Screening post. My blood work came back normal and the doctor says the US looked good; the baby is healthy and growing well she said!

The ultrasound was so amazing this time around; we were able to see baby p in all sorts of positions and hear the heartbeat! He/she moves around so much in my belly! The ultrasound tech was able to capture a lot of images; there is even one where it looks like he/she is waving at us!

We also found out that my first ultrasound was not accurate and so I was corrected to be 14 weeks and 1 day! (not the 12 weeks and 3 days we thought). The doctor said the ultrasound that was done yesterday is much more accurate than the machine they used for my first ultrasound. So I am officially in my second trimester and our due date has changed to September 3rd. LOL, I'll have an early birthday present! =)

I was nervous before our ultrasound, but once I saw our baby and saw how active he/she was it just made my nerves go away. It just makes me so happy to know that we have a baby growing inside of me. I sound so cliche right now and I know that I work with a lot of mothers and babies, but I think once you actually experience pregnancy it changes your perspective so much. I have months to go, but I am enjoying every minute, most especially because I am going through it with Ryan <3

We also decided to announce our pregnancy to the social media world via Facebook and Instagram yesterday. I wanted to wait till after three months to do it and since we found out we are at 3 1/2 months we figured, why not?! It was the BEST news to share and now the cat is out of the bag!

Here is my belly picture I took earlier this week thinking I was at 12 weeks, but now it is a 14 week belly:

A few ultrasound pictures:

Daddy Ryan's favorite:

Proud parents-to-be:


We can't wait to share more with you all!

baby p <3