Sunday, September 8, 2013


Wow, we still can't believe it has already been a month since she came into our lives...and needless to say, WHAT A MONTH!

Despite Riley's two week hospital stay (poor baby spent half her life in the hospital), it has been a wonderful month thus far! We are continuing to adjust to being new parents...the one thing we definitely miss though is uninterrupted sleep! LOL But we have come to know her hunger cues and habits.

When I look at Riley it is still so surreal to me that she was growing inside of me. My love for her grows every time I look at her. She makes me so unbelievably happy and not a day goes by that I tell her that I love her...and I do, with every ounce of my being.

Ryan has definitely demonstrated how amazing of a father he is to Riley. He tends to her every need and he too falls in love with her every day. It is the most wonderful thing to see him be a dad to her and it makes me love him more and more.

Yesterday was my 29th birthday...and I have to say it definitely was my best birthday yet because Riley is in my life now. I kept it simple this year and had breakfast w Ryan and later, dinner with my family.

Riley has a doctor appointment tomorrow (a follow up from her hospital stay). When we left the hospital last week she weighed 8 lbs 5.5 ounces. She is growing so fast! I try to make every day with her memorable because obviously she is only a baby once and when she gets bigger, I know I will constantly wish she was still a tiny little human!

Here are some pictures to share with you all:

Family picture on my birthday..

I love cuddling with her..

The best birthday present..
Picture with my birthday twin/little sister Aileen and Riley of course..

Riley's one month pictures:

Riley <3

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