Thursday, August 29, 2013


Riley surprised all of us with her early arrival! She arrived less than 4 weeks early on August 8th 2013 at 5:10 pm. She weighed in at 6 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long!

Welcome our baby girl Riley Marie Pangilinan

My water broke at around 7:30 am when I sat up in bed to go to the bathroom. I jumped out of bed and yelled to Ryan "My water broke!" He was still asleep but all he can manage to say to was "No, it didn''re just peeing" LOL I ran to the bathroom to pee, but I noticed that the fluid kept coming out and not stopping especially when I would stand up. I knew for sure that this fluid wasn't just my pee and insisted we go straight to the hospital. Before we left, I decided to take a shower...then we grabbed our hospital bags (thankfully I had them packed already) and headed to the hospital, but we also decided to get some breakfast too because I knew they wouldn't allow me to eat if indeed my water was broken. LOL (And it was true, all I could eat was ice chips! I ate 12 hours later!)
We arrived at Kaiser around 8:30am and they put me in a delivery room so a nurse and doctor could assess me. The doctor confirmed that my water did break and I was admitted. They hooked me up to a monitor, collected blood, and started an IV and fluids on me. The doctor also did an ultrasound to make sure Riley's head was down and she checked to see if I was dilated (I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced). I requested to get an epidural and afterwards I was given a medication called Pitocin, so my labor contractions could start and would help with my delivery. Given that this is my first pregnancy (most first time moms are in labor for hours, even days!), Ryan and I figured we would deliver later that evening/night or early the next morning (even our nurse said the same thing!)
At this point, we started calling and texting our family and friends to inform them that I was in labor and baby p would be making her debut soon!
The Pitocin was definitely working and I could feel the contractions getting more frequent and intense. A midwife came in at about 4:15 pm and checked to see if I was dilated; I was now at 6 cm and still 50% effaced. So we figured again that maybe in about 4 hours I would deliver she said to just hang out and let the medicine do its thing. AND DID IT! After she left I could feel the contractions getting more and more intense to the point that I was really uncomfortable. We tried changing my position and the nurse gave me an oxygen mask as well, but it was still not comfortable. Then all of a sudden I felt an urge to push, I had my sister call the nurse and tell her what I was feeling. When she walked in she could see on the monitor that my contractions were more frequent and then she told me to start pushing!!!!! (this was probably around 4:45pm at this point). The nurse called the mid wife back into the room and she checked me again..only half an hour passed and I was COMPLETELY dilated!
Ryan, my mom, my sister Sam, and Ryan's sister Jeanelle were in the delivery room with me. Every contraction I felt I pushed (it felt like the contractions were every 30-45 seconds)...while I had an epidural in and I couldn't feel the labor pains per say...the pressure was definitely unlike one I had ever felt before and the only way that made it feel better was pushing! Being in labor is just one of those experiences I really cannot describe...there was so much going on but all I could focus on was holding my breath and bearing down. I remember not liking it all and being really thirsty. LOL When she was delivered (I pushed for only 20 min I was told!), she cried and they took her straight to the warmer. After she came out, this rush of relief just ran through me and all the pain and pressure I felt was just if nothing happened! It was just so crazy! But everyone rushed over to Riley as the nurses warmed and dried her. Ryan was really emotional and my mom and sisters kept yelling about her nice lips and chubby cheeks. It was such a surreal moment.
When the nurse handed me Riley I was overwhelmed with joy, excitement, and pure love for this tiny little human. We fell in love all over again with her. She was ours the moment we met her <3
Here are some pictures to share:
Just after we were admitted
Here she is!

Two days later..going home!

Riley <3
PS, I would like to continue writing in this blog for as long as possible. It is a great way to update all of our family and friends and for everyone to read and see her grow! Check in often!

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