Sunday, November 10, 2013


It has been a few weeks since my last post! Big things have happened since my last post: Riley was baptized at the end of October, she celebrated her first Halloween, and this past Friday she turned three months old!


Riley was baptized on October 27th at St. John Baptist de la Salle Church in Granada Hills. Someone asked why she got baptized at a young age; Ryan and I decided we wanted her to baptized after she received her two month vaccines because of everything she went through (her two week hospital stay) and having her baptized and dedicated to God after all of that means a great deal to us.

Her baptism experience was unforgettable. Lol. It was only a thirty minute baptism and there were probably 8-10 babies total getting baptized too, but Riley cried the WHOLE TIME...that was the longest thirty minutes of my life. I felt so bad for her...Ryan and I were doing everything we could to stop her from crying. She didn't sleep very well that morning before her baptism (for some reason she was fighting her sleep) so I knew she was going to be fussy; in addition, all of the people and the stimulation from everything was really bothering her. I felt like one of those moms that are on the airplane with their crying baby and people are annoyed and think that she is a bad mom because she doesn't know how to console her child. It really made me feel as if I was being harshly judged by the other parents there and I even thought I was a bad mom =/ However, Ryan reassured me that babies cry and it's okay...that I shouldn't listen to what other people think or say. I am so thankful I have him because he definitely brings me back to normal when I am feeling anxious or upset. i love you babe! :)

Here are some pics from Riley's big day: 

So cute in her dress, but dang did he hate being in this thing. we literally took it off right after she got baptized by the priest! poor thing! 

Riley and us with all of her godparents :)


We took Riley to her first pumpkin patch about two weeks before Halloween. Her older cousin Merc and his mom and dad met up w us too. Of course we only went there to take pictures! LOL

Riley having fun at the pumpkin patch..

picture w the Lehmans :)

here are pics of Riley on Halloween dressed up in her costume. Yep, she was an elephant! lol

her shoesies even had elephants on them! so cute! 

mommy elephant, baby elephant and daddy lion!! 

with Ninang Crystal and Evelyn 

with Ninang Jeanelle

3 months:

Gosh! My baby is already three months old. I am still in awe that Riley was growing inside of me and Ryan and I made her. She continues to make me smile every day and she makes me so incredibly happy even on her fussy days. lol. I am enjoying being home w her every day...I wish I could be a stay at home mom because the thought of going back to work makes me sad because I won't able to veg out w her and just be with her. 

Riley is getting better at tummy time...I started putting her in her Bumbo seat to help her practice sitting up, but she is still a little's really cute. She also started turning from tummy to back! Riley smiles a lot now too especially when someone is talking to she coos and babbles. ugh I can't take the cuteness sometimes I love it so much! We have come to learn her cues especially when it's time for a nap. She sleeps great at night and wakes up once for a feed and then one really early morning feed before or when Ryan leaves for work and then sleeps until 730 even 830! Riley is growing so fast and I wish she could stay a baby! wahhh!

here are more pics to share:

I have come to learn that being a parent is definitely rewarding, but at the same time challenging. I am constantly worried that I am not being the attentive mom I think I should be or I am clueless at times as to what Riley's needs are, and I google search everything!!! I criticize myself a lot especially now that I am a mom. I just want to be the best mom to her because I love her so much and would do anything for her. She is such a blessing in our lives. 

Riley <3