Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Riley is already two months old!

She had her two month doctor's visit last Friday and according to her doctor, she is a healthy and growing baby! She weighs 10 pounds 9 ounces and is 21 3/4 inches long; she is on track with her growth chart, which makes us extremely relieved and happy!

I was so concerned about her weight gain because she does not eat anymore than 2.5 ounces at a time as she is a big snacker/grazer. Riley likes to eat one ounce at a time (usually one to two hours apart) and we are lucky if she gets in two ounces in a feed. But her doctor says that is normal and as long as she is gaining weight, she should be fine!  I have discovered that she is a good night sleeper in which she usually gets up once or twice in the middle of the night to eat and when I feed her she goes right back to that's a really good thing since Ryan and I are able to sleep (not as well as before, but with a baby it's a good amount!)

She is pretty moody during the day, LOL. We have come to call them "baby tantrums" because she gets into a stink and after we have tried everything to soothe her (diaper change, feeding, rocking her, etc) it comes down to us having to swaddle her tightly and it is then that she calms down and finally takes her pacifier or feeding! Her doctor says this is normal and "she is allowed to be fussy"! haha. I found that amusing when she told me that. I mean it IS part of being a baby, but sometimes when she has these "tantrums" Ryan and I cannot help to feel that we aren't being good parents to her. I wish she could tell us what she wants, but I know that it is all a learning process and we have to continue to tend to all of her needs as much and best we can.

Riley is pretty playful these days though...she continues to smile, coo, and laugh. She is even able to play by herself for a bit. Her head control is great! She isn't a big fan of tummy time, but her head and neck control is pretty good for her age! She has come to recognize our voices, which is such a great feeling to know that the smile and coos she is making is from us talking to her =)

At her appointment, Riley also received her two month vaccines! It was not a fun day for her! We ended up giving her two doses of Tylenol after her appointment and fortunately she didn't spike a fever either! She was back to her normal self the next day and it didn't seem to have an affect on her feedings too!

Since she now has her vaccines, we are able to take her to get her ears pierced which will be done over the weekend...I already know she is going to hate it, but Ryan and I want it done for her. I most especially wanted them to be pierced before her baptism!

Here are pics of our little lovebug:
